Breaking Ground
Breaking Ground educates listeners about why union labor and solidarity is more important than ever! Operating Engineers Local 3 is the largest construction trades local in the U.S., representing over 38,000 members across a four-state jurisdiction of Northern California, Northern Nevada, Utah and Hawaii, including the mid-Pacific Islands. From heavy equipment operators, crane operators and mechanics, to surveyors, construction inspectors, highway maintenance workers, police officers and other public employees, Local 3 represents the men and women who drive this country’s economy. Stay informed as we tackle important topics for labor including trends in our digital world like the gig economy and automation, as well as organizing tactics, labor politics and interviews with union leaders and members.
Breaking Ground
Overcoming Political Division in a Divisive Political Year
Episode 16
The country is perhaps more divided right now than ever, and as we sit in the middle of an Election year, it is even more troubling. We, as a union, must find a way to get united. The way to do that is by coming together and rallying around our shared core needs. This video looks at how we are all more alike than we realize and how we, as Operating Engineers, are very much in agreement about several key shared goals. Understanding these and the reasons behind why we do politics the way we do, will only make us stronger. It's an encouraging message, no matter which side of the political aisle you sit on. Don't miss it!